Sucess Stories

Mugdha Tambe

By September 20, 2020 No Comments

Taking AM Transformation plan has been a complete and total game-changer for me. There’s no magic formula or pill, no secret piece of information that will do the work or make the choices for me, but AM has given me the tools and the support to make better decisions that I can incorporate into my everyday life forever. It’s amazing to look back to week one and think, I would have done this or would have eaten that and now it’s a shift in how I think and feel. I’ve said to other people that AM’s program is not just about what I’m eating or how much I’m working out. AM has helped get to the bottom of my eating habits, my exercise habits; helped dig in to determine why in the past I’d make bad choices with food or not push myself at the gym…or just not work out in general. AM helped me get past the excuses and figure out how to live an overall healthier life. I feel better than I have in over a year, and I won’t stop now thanks to AM!!!!